We Are Married

I’m the luckiest person in the whole universe to be married to such a beautiful, smart, kind, and amazing person. We are officially married!

Just absolutely stunning!
A little pre-ceremony fun. Leanne is playing the bartender for Kaden.
There’s a tradition to break the clay piece. Whoever does it first rules the household. Leanne won by just a hair!
We did a tea ceremony for my mom and dad, as well as my grandparents.
Our first dance was to “Better Together” by Jack Johnson.

I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

Coworkers Take Us Out

Tonight my coworkers took me and Leanne out to celebrate us starting our lives together. We went to a Mexican restaurant in downtown Martinez, CA.

I love these ladies! These are my coworkers.
Beautiful downtown Martinez, CA. It has a charming small town feel to it that reminds me of DeLand, FL